As an intergovernmental economic cooperation program, BIMP-EAGA has an institutional structure that facilitates consultations and dialogue between and among the member countries at both national and subregional levels.

The BIMP-EAGA Leaders’ Summit, Ministerial Meeting, and Senior Officials’ Meeting provide the overall policies and strategic directions. These are supported by the national secretariats and the BIMP Facilitation Center (BIMP-FC), which serves as the subregional secretariat.
The recently revived Chief Ministers, Governors, and Local Government Forum (CMGLF) is the main platform representing the interests and development priorities of state, provincial, and local governments.
The Senior Officials’ Meeting coordinates with the private sector through the BIMP-EAGA Business Council (BEBC).
Select sectors, such as transport, agriculture, and information and communication technology (ICT), have ministerial-level meetings, as with the heads of customs meeting, that provide sector-specific guidance aligned with the broad directions of the BIMP-EAGA Leaders.
The Senior Officials’ Meeting provides strategic guidance to the clusters and working groups at the annual strategic planning meeting with stakeholders. It also takes stock of the progress and accomplishments of sector strategies and projects.
The national secretariats coordinate activities of their line ministries participating in BIMP-EAGA and of the private sector through the BEBC country focal organizations and other related organizations. These are the main focal and contact points with the provincial, state and local governments as well as with the BEBC focal organizations.
Clusters and working groups are the operating units that support the strategic pillars by translating the strategic thrusts of each sector into projects.
The Asian Development Bank serves as the BIMP-EAGA Regional Development Advisor, participating in the Summit, Ministerial Meeting, Senior Officials’ Meeting, and select cluster meetings.
Senior Officials’ Meetings are also held with BIMP-EAGA’s development partners.